NCOWS, 4225 Fleur Dr., Suite # 207, Des Moines, IA 50231, Phone 319-277-6839

Western Action Shooting, Re-enactment, and promotion of the historical Old West heritage of the United States.





Click on thumbnail to view larger image.

Metallic Pistol Cartridges

.32 S&W by Western Cartridge Company

.32 Webly by United Metallic Cartridge

.38 Colt by United States Cartridge Co,

.38 Long Colt by Phoenix Metallic Cartridge Co,

.38 Long Colt by United States Cartridge Co,

.38 Long Colt by Winchester

.38 S&W by United States Cartridge Co.

.41 Long Colt by Winchester

.44-40 Win. by United States Cartridge Co.

.44-40 Win. by Winchester.

.44-40 Win. Smokeless by Winchester.

.44 Colt from Frankford Arsenal.

.44 Colt by Union Metallic Cartridge.

.44 Colt by Union Metallic Cartridge.

.44 Henry Flat by United States Cartridge Co.

.44 Remington.

.45 Colt by Union Metallic Cartridge Co.

.45 Colt by Winchester.

.45 S&W Schofield by Union Metallic Cartridge Co.

Metallic Rifle Cartridges

Click on thumbnail to view larger image.

.43 Spanish by Union Metallic Cartridge Co.

.44 Henry by Crittenden & Tibbals Manufacturing Co.

.44 Henry by New Haven Arms Co.

.44 Henry Flat by Winchester.

.44-40 Win. by Union Metallic Cartridge Co.

.45-70 by Winchester.

.50 Spencer by Sage Ammunition Works. (Label courtesy of Shane Uphoff.)

.56 Spencer by Sage Ammunition Works. (Label courtesy of Shane Uphoff.)

.56-50 Spencer by Union Metallic Cartridge Co. (Label courtesy of Shane Uphoff.)


Shotgun Shells

12 ga. byBlatchford Cartridge Works.

10 ga. by Von Lengerke & Detmold.

Percussion Cartridges & Cap Tins

Combustable Cartridges for Pocket Pistols (.32 cal.)

Combustable Cartridges for Belt Pistols (.36 cal.) by Colt.

Combustable Cartridges for Navy Pistols (.36 cal.) by D. C. Sage.

Combustable Cartridges for Holster Pistols (.45 cal.)

Combustable Cartridges for .58 cal Muskets by Johnston & Dow.

Percussion caps by AMLF.

Percussion caps by Remington.

Percussion caps by Remington.

Percussion caps by Remington.

Percussion caps (unable to determine manufacturer.)


Powder Kegs

FFFg Powder from Hazard Powder Co.

FFg Powder from Hazard Powder Co.

King's Great Western Mining Powder.

FFg manufactured by Sycamore Manufacturing Co.

Click on thumbnail to view larger image.

W.G. Tobin's Chili Con Carne

San Jose Fruit Yellow Cling Peaches

Butterfly Brand Golden Pumpkin

Butterfly Brand Stringless Beans

Olney & Floyd Lima Beans

Olney & Floyd Succotash

Defy The World Tomatoes

Mixed Pickles (Full sized image is a PDF with 6 labels)

Indian Island Lobster

Lynx Brand Chum Salmon

A. L. Blairs Horse Radish

Numsen Carroll Jelly (Full sized image is a PDF with 4 labels)

Toombey & Son's Mustard (Full sized image is a PDF with 8 labels)

A. L. Blair's Piccalilli

Dozier-Weyl Crackers

Dozier-Weyl Cracker Round

Dozier-Weyl Milk Biscuits

Condensed Milk (Full sized image is a PDF with 2 labels)

Preston & Merrill's Yeast Powder (Full sized image is a PDF with 2 labels)


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